Hair care: DIY remedies for oily scalp – News2IN

Hair care: DIY remedies for oily scalp

Hair care: DIY remedies for oily scalp
Written by news2in

Keeping your hair in good condition just like your skin is very important.
Caring for your good hair needs is a combination of treating it from outside and maintaining it from inside with a balanced diet and the use of the right product that matches your hair type.
Oily hair in the monsoon can be very difficult to maintain, you are always busy scheduling your hair washing and thinking if you shampoo your hair too.
Oil is impossible, hair mask makes hair masier and you just hope you have dry hair.
But don’t worry, where there is oily hair there is a silk solution.
Let’s try this natural medicine to fight oily hair and let their key shine, polite beauty teachers and popular aromatologists Dr.
Blossom Kochhar.
Coconut milk is the healthiest natural ingredient for healthy hair.
The herb you have to try, mix the newly extracted coconut milk with squeezed lemon and 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil.
Leave for 4-5 hours and then rinse.
A great myth I want to overcome is, people with oily hair don’t need conditioners.
They need as much conditioner as they are with dry scalp; They only need to apply it to the tresses and not bring it to the scalp.
Use light conditioner; Avoid using hair masks.
Conditioner you can make at home to shine and sheen.
Grate some onions and a few pieces together and go in copper tools overnight.
In the morning, add a few drops of ylang ylang essential oil to eliminate the smell of onions.
Add a few drops of herbal oil and then apply.
Shampoo after 30 minutes.
Your hair will get amazing gloss and color.
You can follow this routine once a week.
Dandruff cleaners for oily hair.
Soak two spoons of fenugreek (methi) in water overnight.
In the morning, make the seed pasta and add the squeeze of lemon juice and apply it on the head.
Leave for half an hour.
Then wash your hair with soap (reetha) or shikakai and water.
You can use herbal shampoo to wash your hair.
Do this routine twice a week.
Before you shampoo your hair, take 1 tablespoon of water, and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil.
With your fingers applying this throughout your scalp and hair.
Shampoo your hair as usual.
To reduce oil from your hair, but still shiny, use apple cider vinegar as your last rinse.
Take 1 teaspoon for 1 cup of water.
If you get hair fall after ordinary use, don’t worry, just reduce the number of apple cider vinegar in your last rinse.
Stop running your hands or hairrush through your hair as often as possible.
This increases sebum your hair and causes clerics.
I’m not saying to let them tangle, just try to brush a lot and just run your fingers through your hair and enjoy the natural stream of your hair.

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