How the role of the doctor has evolved for years – News2IN

How the role of the doctor has evolved for years

How the role of the doctor has evolved for years
Written by news2in

“The doctor is a man who prescribes the medicines that they know a little, to cure the disease they know less in humans where they don’t know anything,” Voltaire said in the eighteenth century.
Magic and religion play a major role in the treatment of prehistoric society or human early.
Administration of vegetable drugs or mouths through mouth accompanied by spells, dancing, grimacing, and all witch tricks.
Therefore, the first doctor, or “Medicine Men,” is a doctor or witch magician.
The use of charm and talisman, is still common in modern times, comes from ancient origin.
Medicine has come a long way since then.
Technological advances and care have reduced morbidity and mortality associated with this disease.
“Treatment-based experience” has been replaced by “evidence-based drug”.
The world of medicine and academics has grown so it is sometimes difficult to follow its steps.
Over the years the patient expected from their doctors has changed.
This is caused by more active patients involved in their care, staying away from the practice of “Paternalistic” medicine and the empowerment of patients gave them a greater voice in their care.
Under that is not so far, the doctor is placed on the base and is highly respected for their achievements, skills, and dedication.
Over time, this was replaced by medical mistrust and litigation.
There is no professional that can be perfect, and this also applies to medicine.
Unfortunately, errors in treatment can cause morbidity or death.
No doctor who began to want to be dangerous and no matter how hard he tried an error would continue to be made.
The only thing that can be done by the medical profession is to try and reduce the number of errors.
The more doctors face medico-legal action, right or wrong for their actions, especially if the results are bad.
This has led to an increase in defensive medicine practices.
Many in the younger generation have chosen not to pursue drugs because they have been postponed by spiral violence against doctors and more and more medical cases of them.
Apart from all these drugs does have their rewards.
There are many satisfying moments that are unique to become doctors.
And it is the moments that keep a good ethical doctor so they don’t fully disappear.
-With Dr.
Prathima Reddy Mbbs, Mrcog (London), Frcog (London), Facog (London) Director, Obstetric and Senior Gynecologist – Fortis Hospital La Femme, Richmond Road Bangaledisclaimer: The view expressed by the doctor is himself.
Professional assessment and we are not responsible for the accuracy of his view.
This should not be considered a substitute for doctor’s advice.
Please consult a doctor treats you for more details.

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