“My 11-year-old son is always overwhelmed by” – News2IN

“My 11-year-old son is always overwhelmed by”

"My 11-year-old son is always overwhelmed by"
Written by news2in

Query: My 11-year-old daughter felt very confused and overwhelmed today.
He told me that he couldn’t explain why he felt so.
He said he was not a happy person who was the same again.
I don’t know how to help him.
Response by Dr.
Rachna Khanna Singh is HOD – Holistic Medicine, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon, Relationship, Lifestyle & Experts Stress Management: Hi, Thank you for writing to us.
Most children have days where they feel sad, lonely or they don’t want to do their daily activities.
There are many reasons why children go through changes in mood like that.
While someone can owe this change in changes related to puberty, there are several other factors that can contribute to such changes such as problems related to school, home environment, social change, physical change, etc.
Even though this is a general change that we see in most children, if you feel your child seems very sad or desperate and it affects everyday life, then we need to pay attention.
Some steps you can take are:

Talk to your daughter about her feelings.
Ask him about how in school or elsewhere and try to find out if there are events that might bother him.
Furthermore, the basics for maintaining good mental health include a healthy diet, enough sleep, sports, and positive connections with other people at home or at school.
Talk to and listen to your child with love and support.
Push him to share his feelings.
Help your daughter see a problem in a more positive way.
Avoid pressing it with regard to academics or any activity at this time, if you do at all.
Check the environment at home.
Avoid fights, arguments, or disagreements in front of them, and so far as possible, try to maintain a happy environment at home.
Talk to a professional therapist.
They can recommend psychotherapy involving counseling to help emotions and behavior.
Hopefully this helps.
For further questions, don’t hesitate to order an appointment with us.
Stay at home remains safe.
If you have a parenting query to share, send it to us at times.parenting@gmail.com

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