UK’s Duchess of York starts his book club – News2IN

UK’s Duchess of York starts his book club

UK's Duchess of York starts his book club
Written by news2in

Duchess York, Sarah Fergusson is a diligent reader and a writer.
He has written a small red book series for children, and recently published a historical romantic novel ‘his heart for Kompas’ released in August 2021.
Bring his love for books a step forward, Sarah Fergusson has now launched a book club Romantic history with the publisher of Mills and Bonst.
Launched on November 5, Duchess York will choose a factory & novel Boon Historical Romance every month for his followers.
He will share his book a month on his social media account and discuss the book with fellow readers.
Sarah Fergusson has chosen ‘The Earl who saw his beauty’ by Marguerite Kaye as his first book club reading for this month.
Speaking of his development, Duchess said, “I was very excited to launch a historic romantic book club with Mills & Boon my publisher.
Like them, I am excited about telling the stories of women, giving those who have been silenced and promoting women literacy.
Too often, Women’s life can be ignored by history.
In my debut novel ‘his heart for Kompas’, I bring a woman like that – my great-grandfather wants to celebrate other writers who tell the stories of women.

It should be noted that the historical romantic novel titled ‘his heart for Kompas’, was written together by Marguerite Kaye.
Historical romantic novels are both expected to be published in 2022 and it will “build in the world ‘heart for Kompas'”, according to Mills and Boons.
Meanwhile, in a series of videos ‘storytime with Fergie and Friends’, Duchess also reads stories to children every day on the official Youtube channel.
Isn’t that an extraordinary initiative to encourage readers from all age groups to read?
Read more: Royals from all over the world who also write popular books based on classical literature

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