Vastu Home Tips for Interesting Love – News2IN

Vastu Home Tips for Interesting Love

Vastu Home Tips for Interesting Love
Written by news2in

Finding our soul material is a task that requires a lot of patience.
Sometimes, we fall in love at first glance while some others take months or years to acknowledge their feelings.
What we all have in common is that we all want to feel loved and accepted.
Sadly, we tend to reject love when a phase comes in our lives that limit us from finding happiness.
And then, there is no guarantee or comfort that will help us forget the fact that conspiracy binds us from feeling love.
This negative emotion destroyed our trust so it was more difficult to love and care.

As a solution, we need to balance ourselves with nature again; Vastu can help us very do it.
Although not everyone gets the opportunity to fulfill their true love at the right time, Tips Vastu this house will help you attract love.
To attract love towards you, save artifacts or love bird paintings in the southwest of your home.
If you have a wall facing south which is painted blue, change the paint immediately, when Blue Hampers from the flow of love.
If you shift or renovate, don’t sleep in the room in the east corner of your house.
Enter red in your life.
Wear red clothes, a telephone casing, small artifact, or even a handkerchief.
Red symbolizes love.
Choose white and pink and yellow shades for your home, especially the bathroom and bedroom.
Do not collect or become a stockpiling of objects that are not used or previously related.
Delete all things you don’t need in the future.
Donate to those in need and clean your space for a better vibration flow.
Save photos of your loved ones in the northwest of your home.
This will help you get positive vibrations.
Make sure your family photos and photos of your loved ones are always dust free; Every dirty picture symbolizes dusty relationships.
When sleeping, make sure your head is facing south for a peaceful life and openness to new experiences.
Make sure your bed is made of suitable material and not placed between two doors.
The door signifies the action away, and you don’t want to attract the vibration in your room.
Increase the amount of natural light in your home.
Hanging brightly colored curtains and let the sun enter; Light creates a positive environment to grow.
Try and keep fresh flowers in the bedroom and study.
Flowers like roses, hibiscies, lilies symbolize love and fertility.
Combining candles and fairy lights in the romantic corner of your home.

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