What to know about covid shots for children – News2IN

What to know about covid shots for children

Children are equally vulnerable to Coronavirus novels as adults.
Research has shown that infections and transmission of children and similar adults.
Even though most children have infections without symptoms or mild, they are a source of important transmission to others.
Severe infections and mortality are often reported in young infants and children with comorbidity, most post 3-6 weeks asymptomatic or symptomatic infections.
The incidence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) is a complication of Covid 19 infection which is rare but life-threatening lives that rarely cause changes in long-term coronary arteries.
Vaccination status in various countries
Some countries have begun to provide vaccines to children, while others have begun with clinical trials in children.
In India, so far only trials Covaxin vaccines in children who have begun for the age group 12 to 16 years and recruitment for clinical trials for the age group 6 to 12 years and 2 to 6 years.
However, it will take several months before this trial is complete.
The United States in May 2021 approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine – Bontech for children over 12 years.
Germany, Poland, Canada, UAE, Italy, Singapore are other countries that approve vaccinations for those over 12 years old.
The UAE has started a trial of vaccination with Sinopharm in children aged 3 -17 years, while China has agreed to the use of an emergency vaccine Sinovac for children aged 3 -17 years.
Worries about child vaccination
All vaccines currently used have obtained an emergency use authorization (EUA) to vaccinate people.
The Covid-19 case is now in the decline and most cases reported in light children.
With myocarditis reports in adolescents over 16 years old and young adults (16 -30 / 1 million dosage), 1 week after the 2nd dose (causal link is not set) many experts feel the covid-19 vaccine for children must be considered at BLA BLA (biological license application) and not EUA so that the institution considers data from one or two years before approval.
Everyone who suffers from myocarditis has recovered quickly for treatment.
Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) recommends the continuation of vaccination at the age of 12 years as is known, because the potential for the benefits of Covid-19 vaccination is considered greater than the risk.
What’s the choice?
Most countries use pfizer – bionech covid 19 vaccines in children over 12 years (100% efficacy and strong antibody response – studies in 2260 covid teenagers, 1171 vaccinated – the same dose for adults 2 doses, 21 days apart and 1089 no).
No disease developed was vaccinated when out of 1089 teenagers who were not vaccinated, 16 developed Covid-19.
This MRNA vaccine, therefore, has good efficacy and security profile in children who are consistent with adult studies.
Modern trials in 6500 teenagers are in the final phase – adult doses – 2 doses, separate 28 days.
In China, Sinovac vaccine is used for 3 years and above.
So far, the World Health Organization does not recommend vaccination for children under 16 years.
Parents, caregivers, and pediatricians must focus on prevention and avoid unworked suggestions.
For now, in India where nearly 40% of the population are less than 18 years old, the best choice to prevent disease in children is to vaccinate parents and other household contacts, which is the main source of infection in children so far locking period.
Written by Dr.
Jeeson C Unni, Pediatrician Consultant, Aster Medcity, Aster DM Healthcare

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