Why should we face our fear – News2IN

Why should we face our fear

Why should we face our fear
Written by news2in

I was the only child from my parents and therefore I used to always get my way.
Since I was little, I was always protected by my parents from this world crime, or perhaps from practicality.
Whether it’s a bad performance at school, bad behavior at home, or escaping from a boarding school, my parents never said a word!

When I started growing up, I was rather familiar with the comfort zone provided by my parents, especially my mother.
Things develop from bad behavior at home to bad behavior at work, less stability in my career, and permanent dependence on my parents.
Except for a few lectures, my parents never really talked.
Maybe they feel they will bloom in life or they continue to protect me because I am their only child.
When I was 30, I lost my father and kind of life upside down for my mother.
But his behavior grows erratic days like I get used to depending on both.
I randomly shouted at my mother sometimes because I didn’t like working.
I hate the fact that we are both alone, while not understanding the health conditions of my mother and medical needs.
I keep fighting with him without reason.
He was holding with all my fate and fantasy and never said a word and even made me get married.
Then in early April this year, my life was upside down when Covid hit our family.
My mother was hospitalized for routine checks that turned into an ICU with the ability to breathe depending on the ventilator.
I was hit stupid and didn’t know how to react.
I cried, shouted, and felt helpless.
That’s when I realized the burden of the responsibility made by my mother on her shoulder for most of her life.
My mother survived a covid attack and left the ICU after 3 months.
He is proud of me that I managed to stay in his absence.
This degrading experience has taught me to face my problem, because delaying them can only worsen the situation like almost done for me.
Sid P.

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