The cold winter returns to the air with drought attacks, allergies, itching and redness in our body.
So how does someone overcome this beauty obstacle with a smart and durable steps? While we usually depend on moisturizers and creams, we really ignore other elements that can also help defeat winter drought and other skin problems.
Here are some tips for each age group by overcoming this winter drought.
Use a natural moisturizer to pamper the skin such as butter, olive oil, coconut oil and honey rather than chemical moisturizers.
Trench cosmetics that lead to dryness, matte drying lipstick, blushus powder etc.
Add lip balms and hydrating foundations to your cosmetic bag.
Choose a smooth red cream and hydrate fog to lock the softness of your skin.
Find the homemade toner and scrub.
Dry skin will be better with a mask made of a few drops of lemon with milk powder and glycerin.
This mask can be applied once or twice a week to add light and shine.
Use aloe vera gel for dry skin and patchwork because it has deep moisturizing properties and help draw moisture from the atmosphere to the skin.
In addition to topical products, some oral supplements also help fight dryness.
This includes collagen, sodium hyaluronate, antioxidant agents such as coenzyme Q 10, beta carotene, astaxanthin, glutathione, zinc and selenium.
Oral supplement essential fatty acids such as hempole oil capsules, primrose oil capsules, cod-heart and omega oil capsules 3.6.9 supplements in a further diet help in increasing hydration.
With input from Dr.
Jamuna Pai from SkinLab.
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